Status Seeking and All that Pizazz

Your car. Your clothes. Your home. Your job title. Your handbag, if you’re a woman. Your selfies, which – face it – aren’t usually “authentic-ies.” You create them to evoke an impression.

Those things speak volumes about you. Or do they?

You’re human. You form impressions about people based on their “stuff.”

And they create a canvass of who they believe you are, based  on your possessions.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Oh no, I don’t. You don’t know me.”

daisy center only

Well, yes and no. Some people judge more than others.

Humans form impressions based on appearance. That’s certainly not a new, fresh idea.

Yet the River of Judgment flows in and out of humanity. The streams intersect and pour through our culture like a deep flood of nothingness.

Most people want the so-called “good life,” which usually means the upscale package consisting of luxury. Yet these objects don’t satisfy the soul. Every cell in our bodies grasps that objects can’t create contentment.

Yet we battle against the desire to fill the holes in our hearts with the “best” stuff.

Hoping, longing, desperately desiring something.

That whole belief that if we have the right presence, people will gravitate toward us like sun rays in summer.

latte w heart

Feeling the depths of the question that echoes within the realms of our truest hearts.

Am  loveable?

A resounding, “Absolutely,” echoes throughout the earth.

If only you could believe it.

Without your stuff.

Without your objects to prove to others

You are good enough.

We are all glorious, messed up masterpieces, and we can only find the good life in relationships with God and with others.

Stuff we use for image management and all that pizzaz – is the packaging. Fake Phony, and air-filled


So throw the commitment to your image into the wind, hold hands with the real you, and

Grab onto the stuff that matters. The stuff inside your beautiful soul.

You are a glorious, messed-up masterpiece.

calla lily

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I work in the beauty biz and sometimes it seems very superficial. However, I believe that by allowing the spirit work through me and help rejuvenate the outside, that the work I do may help boost their self esteem and allow them to see the real “them”; the good stuff on the inside.


    1. Nicole, I’m glad you’re using your skills and talents to help people feel stronger on the inside. Thank you for stopping by!


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